Meet Lydia Simmons


Originally posted on Bold Journey Magazine


We were lucky to catch up with Lydia Simmons recently and have shared our conversation below.


Lydia, so good to have you with us today. We’ve got so much planned, so let’s jump right into it. We live in such a diverse world, and in many ways the world is getting better and more understanding but it’s far from perfect. There are so many times where folks find themselves in rooms or situations where they are the only ones that look like them – that might mean being the only woman of color in the room or the only person who grew up in a certain environment etc. Can you talk to us about how you’ve managed to thrive even in situations where you were the only one in the room?

Navigating situations where I am the only one in the room who looks like me has been a recurring experience in my life. Whether it’s being the only woman, the only black woman, or even the only black and Pakistani woman in the room, I’ve learned to embrace and confidently present myself as who I am.

In these instances, I recognize that there are no comparisons to be made, and it has become a commonplace scenario for me. I approach it with a sense of contentment, understanding that who I am is unique and valuable. Instead of feeling the need to conform, I choose to be 100% authentic to myself. This authenticity serves as a foundation for building genuine connections and relationships.

By leading with authenticity, I aim to eliminate any doubts or concerns about my credibility. I want to skip the initial phases where people might question whether I am genuine or trustworthy. Showing up as my true self allows me to establish a sense of trust and transparency from the beginning.

I acknowledge that I may not be the right fit for everyone, and that’s okay. If someone finds that I am not the right match for them, I understand and respect that decision. However, I also hope that despite our differences, we can discover commonalities and synergies that enable us to work together effectively. But if all fails, I leave the room as I came- myself.


Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
Meet Lydia Simmons – she’s on a mission to spearhead a revolution in postpartum health technology, and you’re invited to join her on this extraordinary journey. As a seasoned entrepreneur and CEO, Lydia has staked her claim at the forefront of innovation. Picture this: she’s the mastermind behind Motherocity Health, the world’s premier postpartum health tech tracking app, available in an impressive 20 languages on major app stores.

Now, let’s delve into Lydia’s first venture, M.O.O. – a trailblazer in Women’s Health Initiatives. Together, you’ve birthed the world’s first Superfood Postnatal, a marvel tailor-made for postpartum families spanning the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. This venture wasn’t just a whim; it was born from a significant gap Lydia noticed in her own postpartum care. Enter gluten-free, vegan, superfood-rich supplements – a necessity turned brainchild.

Fast forward to the Motherocity Postpartum App, the logical extension of Lydia’s mission. This isn’t just about tech; it’s about creating a lifeline for a community in need. By harnessing the power of data science, experiential data, and artificial intelligence, Lydia is changing the game, providing critical support to women and new parents during those crucial first 52 weeks after birth.

Here’s a fun fact: Lydia hit the retirement button at a spry 34. But, fear not, she’s not lounging in idleness. As an experienced Intellectual & Creative Capitalist, Lydia seamlessly blends professional finesse with a personal commitment to champion maternal equity, postpartum well-being, entrepreneurship, and healthcare.

Lydia’s success isn’t just about entrepreneurial triumphs; it’s about making a meaningful impact. She’s not merely a figurehead; she’s a dedicated force propelling maternal equity, postpartum well-being, and innovation in healthcare. So, join Lydia on this remarkable journey, where intellect meets passion, and together, you reshape the landscape of postpartum health technology.


If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
(1) Experiential Data: The profound impact came from experiencing the negative effects of postpartum not just once, but twice, without any medical directive or intervention. This personal struggle led to living with undetected postpartum depression for a staggering four years. The lesson here is the undeniable power of experiential data – living through a situation can provide insights that go beyond what textbooks or research might reveal.

Advice: For those early in their journey, embrace experiential learning. Don’t underestimate the value of firsthand experiences, as they can shape your understanding in ways formal education might not. If you’ve been through something, use that knowledge to fuel your passion and drive for change.

(2) Openness: Anyone familiar with me knows that I’m not one to shy away from discussions about the body and biology. I have a genuine intrigue for the science and data that underpin the postpartum experience. This openness has been crucial in a field where the work is centered around humans and their unique stories but also requires a high level of qualification.

Advice: Cultivate openness in your own journey. Be willing to explore unconventional topics and engage in conversations that others might find uncomfortable. The ability to openly discuss and understand various aspects of your field is a powerful tool in driving innovation and finding solutions.

(3) Be True to Yourself: This quality echoes my principle of showing up in every room as yourself. Being authentic has been vital in shaping my journey. It’s about staying true to your values, beliefs, and unique perspective, even when faced with challenges or pressure to conform.

Advice: To those starting out, prioritize authenticity. In a world that might sometimes push you to fit a certain mold, remember that your individuality is your greatest asset. Being true to yourself not only fosters personal fulfillment but also brings a genuine and unique contribution to your work and the broader community.


One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?
We are actively seeking partnerships and collaborations for Motherocity, and we are currently in the process of raising our Seed Round. We welcome engagement from interested investors, both individual Angels and Venture Capital firms who share our vision and passion for revolutionizing postpartum health technology.

If you are reading this and interested in collaborating, we invite you to connect with us directly. You can reach out to us via email at We would love the opportunity to share more about our current initiatives, the exciting developments within our company, and the details of our ongoing fundraising efforts.


Your support and collaboration can play a crucial role in advancing our mission to make a positive impact on the lives of new mothers and families globally. We look forward to exploring potential partnerships and discussing how we can work together to bring about meaningful change in the postpartum health technology landscape. Feel free to reach out, and let’s embark on this journey together!

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